October 7, 2002

Next Target: Sudan

From a concerned Gulf War veteran in Washington D.C. we hear about a measure scheduled for a vote in the House today called the Sudan Peace Act.

If passed it would appropriate $100 millon per year for three years ($300 million in total that would remain available until used up) for the purpose of taking "appropriate measures to end slavery and aerial bombardment of civilians by the Government of Sudan." (see the bill at http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/ z?c107:H.R.5531)

The bill outlines a detailed action plan for accomplshing its objectives, including increasing sanctions, altering diplomatic relations, building international coalitions under the auspices of the UN to ensure relief is provided, and denying access to oil revenues and arms. It also calls for the development of a contingency plan if these measures fail.

In plain English, the bill would authorize major military action against Sudan in as soon as six months.

For more information see veteransforcommonsense.org).

-- By David Cogswell

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