July 17, 2003

9/11 Pentagon Attack: 100 Questions for the Commander in Chief

By Jim Hogue

1) Since AAL Flight 77 was hijacked 54 minutes before the Pentagon attack, and since AAL Flight 11 hit the WTC 55 minutes before the Pentagon attack: Why, during those 55 minutes, was nothing done to protect Washington D.C. from an attack?

2) What was Acting Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Myers, doing for 55 minutes?

3) What was Rumsfeld doing for 55 minutes?

4) What were the military officials in the command center at the Pentagon doing for 55 minutes?

5) Why did Bush continue to listen to a story about a goat?

6) Why was the Air Force ordered to stand down?

7) How long in advance was the stand-down planned?

8) Who ordered the stand-down?

9) Why did Lt. Colonel Viz Warzinski tell Newsday "The Pentagon was simply not aware that this aircraft was coming our way," when, for over 45 minutes Flight 77 (according to the FAA) was making a B line for Washington D.C., and several employees were quoted as saying, "We're next."?

10) If Payne Stewart's errant plane was under constant surveillance from within the Pentagon's National Military Command Center, why wouldn't 4 hijackings rate the same attention?

11) Why did the Pentagon attack avoid striking any of the fully occupied sections of the 29 acre target?

12) Would trained terrorists have aimed for the least occupied section?

13) Could it be that Rumsfeld felt perfectly safe in his wing of the Pentagon at the opposite side of the attack?

14) Would a Boeing 757, piloted by Arab terrorists, be allowed to fly into the Pentagon with (or without) 55 minutes warning?

15) If a Boeing 757 piloted by Arabs were allowed to fly into the Pentagon with 55 minutes warning, would Rumsfeld et al have remained there, at their desks?

16) Did Arabs fly a Boeing 757 (designed with remote control capability) into the least occupied section of the Pentagon?

17) With two planes having crashed into the WTC (at 8:45 and 9:03), and two more heading in the direction of Washington D.C., why was there no order given to evacuate the Pentagon until after the attack at 9:41?

18) With U.S. Air Force and commercial pilots claiming that a pilot could not have banked a 757 or 767 in the manner needed to circle the Pentagon or hit WTC 2, has the 9/11 commission investigated this fact, which, alone, proves that a pilot (Arab or otherwise) could not have carried out these attacks?

19) Why were the surface-to-air defenses not operating?

20) Why did General Myers claim he was "not told" of the second WTC attack until after 9:40, long after the rest of the world was aware of it?

21) What was General Eberhardt (Myers replacement at NORAD in Colorado) doing for an hour after the WTC attack?

22) Who cued Dan Rather to quote a military source saying: "We did scramble the planes," after Myers and Rumsfeld had stated that the air defense system had not been scrambled until after the Pentagon attack?

23) Was this report by Dan Rather planted to correct statements by Myers and Rumsfeld that jets had not been scrambled for 1 ¸ hours after the first American Airlines Flight left its flight path at 8:20 a.m.?

24) How could Air Force standard operating procedure be countermanded for 1¸ hours during terrorist attacks by 4 aircraft?

25) What happened to the D.C. Air National Guard, one minute from the Pentagon?

26) Why were the fighter jets that reportedly did take to the air (after several revisions and contradictions) flying at about ¸ speed?

27) How could Myers claim before a Senate Committee on 9/13/01 that he didn't know when the jets were scrambled?

28) Why are there no photos of a 757 in the area from any source, including security cameras?

29) Why is there no conclusive evidence that a 757 hit the Pentagon?

The World Trade Center Attack

30) Why did Bush not respond when informed before 9:00 a.m. by Andrew Card of the First Attacks?

31) Why was he silent for over half an hour?

32) Was he just an actor waiting for the right cue, no improvisation allowed, for good reason?

33) Had something gone awry?

34) Why did he say that he saw the first plane hit the WTC on television?

35) Did he expect someone to film it?

36) Why was Bush left unprotected in a public place where his appearance was public knowledge?

37) If "the White House and Air Force One were targets," (Ari Fleischer) then, when Bush left the school, why was he taken to Air Force One?

38) How did Mohammed Atta's passport turn up in the rubble of the WTC?

39) How did the flight manual in Arabic turn up in the rental car used by the "Arab terrorists" at Logan Airport?

40) How did Atta happen to forget his flight bag, which had (can you believe it?) a suicide note in it?

41) How was Osama bin Laden immediately identified as the ring leader?

42) How did nineteen Arabs successfully board the planes when some of them were already suspects of terrorist activity?

43) How were they all identified so quickly!?

44) How have some of them turned up alive and well in Egypt, Morocco, and Saudi Arabia?

45) Why was the Phoenix memo ignored?

46) Why was the other intelligence pertaining to 9/11 ignored?

47) Why were Daddy Bush and Cheney together in the situation room at the White House during the attack?

48) Who profits (cui bono) from the 9/11 attacks?

49) How are the CIA, Pakistani Intelligence Service Chief General Mahmud, and Mohammed Atta connected to a $100,000 wire transfer between Mahmud and Atta?

50) Why were so many British, NATO and U.S. troops in place (operations "Swift Sword" and "Bright Star") before the U.S. attack against Afghanistan?

51) How is the CIA connected to the flight school in Venice Florida where Atta et al "trained"?

52) What has happened to the SEC investigation of the airline stocks that were traded before 9/11?

53) What happened to the investigations of the WTC and Building 7 collapses?

54) Why did a most respected publication, Fire Engineering, (Jan 02) call the WTC ăinvestigationä a ăhalf-baked farceä?

55) Why is the 120 member Israeli Spy Ring with connections to Mohammed Atta of no apparent importance to the 9/11 commission?

56) Why were none of the hidden panic alerts on the Boeing 757s or 767s activated?

57) Who controlled the panic alerts, or who overrode them?

58) Who controlled the planes?

59) Why is the Bush administration blocking attempts to investigate the 9/11 attacks?

60) Doesn't the Bush administration want to know how the attacks happened?

In General

61) How are the preemptive strikes against Afghanistan and Iraq different, in terms of U.S. and International Law, from Germany's invasions of the sovereign states of Europe before WW2?

62) Why did the administration have to lie about the threats, the regimes, and the weapons capabilities of Afghanistan and Iraq?

63) Where is Osama bin Laden?

64) Where is Saddam Hussein?

65) What is al Qaida?

66) For how long was Osama bin Laden working with certain elements of the U.S. intelligence community?

67) Why was (and is) the bin Laden family being shielded from investigation?

68) Why was former Republican Governor Kean chosen to replace Henry Kissinger as head of the 9/11 Commission?

69) Don't Mr. Kean's connections with Khalib bin Mahfous make him a suspicious choice?

70) Why does the media broadcast the same propaganda at the same time?

71) Why are the media in silent collusion about anything that will materially damage the Bush administration: Lies of WMD, corporate crime, illegal detentions, Bush's desertion from the Texas Air National Guard, bribery and intimidation, war crimes, Anthrax, X criminals running our foreign policy, voting rights crimes, violations of International Law, election fraud, treason, lying to congress, bankrupting our states and cities, ruining our credibility on the international stage, protection of terrorists, depriving our firefighters of resources they need to protect us and themselves, poisoning our servicemen and women with harmful vaccines, endangering our soldiers and poisoning Afghanistan and Iraq with Depleted Uranium, non-compliance with the 9/11 commission . . . ?

72) Why are the chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons sales to Iraq during the Reagan administration by Rumsfeld not an issue?

73) When did Saddam Hussein cease to be your ally?

74) If gassing and slaughtering his own people was so "evil,' why did you help him to do it?

75) Why did Powell lie to the U.N. and the American people through fabricated intelligence reports?

76) What's the relationship between Powell (father and son), the media, the neo-cons, and the FCC?

77) Why don't touch-screen voting machines produce paper receipts?

78) Why do all anomalies in voting results favor Republicans?

79) How did Hagle win in Nebraska when so few reportedly voted for him . . . Diebold?

80) What happened to the thugs who attacked the voting officials in Florida?

81) What happened to those responsible for voter fraud and voter purging in Florida?

82) Was Wellstone murdered?

83) Was investigative reporter Brian Quig murdered?

84) How does George Tenet live with being a laughing stock, a whore, and a buffoon?

85) What do Tenetâs lies do for the integrity of the CIA?

86) How is the Anthrax program coming along?

87) Why were the Anthrax attacks not solved, especially since the source has been identified?

88) What is the connection between Bioport, Admiral Crowe, and Anthrax?

89) Do the recipients of the Anthrax attacks, Daschell and Leahy, know who is responsible?

90) Where do you get off calling yourselves patriots while you shred the ăBill of Rightsä by means of USAPA?

91) What's the connection between Cheney, Lay, and The Energy Task Force?

92) What's the real agreement between you and Sharon?

93) Is AmeriCorps working too well?

94) Aren't you worried that the military, the CIA, the FBI, the police, and the firefighters will turn against you when they realize that you are using them for your own empire and greed?

95) What happens when citizens demand the right to vote, and for their votes to be counted accurately?

96) What happens if the Democrats follow Senator Byrdâs advice and get over being witless, gutless, and hopeless?

97) How many more soldiers will be picked off in Iraq so as to get your oil out of the Iraqi desert?

98) How many more Iraqis will you kill before you save them from themselves and make Iraq safe for Democracy?

99) Where are the weapons of mass destruction?

100) Is any one of these questions less important than the stain on a dress?

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